It wasn’t just coffee table talk. It was the realization that to make an impact, change must happen. With that, Arabic Anonymous is born…
Arabic Anonymous was founded to provide quality and affordable learning resources and tools for young Arabic language learners.
It is the brainchild of a young mother who still wants to contribute to the Muslim community after quitting from her day job as a Kindergarten Vice-Principal to take care of her young children. Through conversations and exchanges with like-minded acquaintances, they identified the gaps in resources and support that complement the Arabic syllabus taught at the local Madrasahs.
Many parents who sent their children to the Madrasahs do not have background in Arabic language. Even those who made the effort to learn Arabic are struggling to keep up with the syllabus that seems to be getting more and more complicated. Then, there’s the issue about maintaining interest in the language in a country where the language is not spoken.
So how can they then help their children? Where can they get help? Are there any resources or tools out there that can help them with these challenges?
In the pursuit of delivering sound knowledge, Arabic Anonymous gathers graduates of Arabic language and literature as well as native speakers to work towards their goal: Towards AWESOMENESS in Arabic!