Ace your Arabic paper now!
Introducing Daily Dose, Arabic Anonymous latest publications to help your children (and you) master common words that are expected out of 9 - 12 years old. Vocabulary is one of Arabic learners greatest challenges as one can't possibly memorise so many words! Arabic language is vast!
Covering more than 130 words, this 52-pages book contains more than 40 different exercises to ensure our Arabic learners are exposed to different ways how words are used in context.
Written by our in-house tutor, Ms Rokaya Chahidi, a certified Moroccan educator based in Morocco, Daily Dose offers our learners daily and effective practices to score well in their Arabic papers.
This book comes in 2 version: an e-book and limited physical copies.
Dimension: 210mm x 297mm
Recommended for: 9 - 12 years old