Is your child afraid of going to the dentist? Perhaps your child may have his fears of going to the dentist tampered down after reading this book.
Going to the Dentist is a charming story that helps children feel empowered, conquer their fear of the dentist, and learn some simple Arabic! It's a fun and meaningful way to boost your little one's courage and confidence.
Witness how Saeed and Samar have their routine check-up with the local dentist. Explore new Arabic words as both of them get their teeth checked. Saeed’s teeth need to have a filling as the dentist found a small hole in one of them.
Will Saeed cry as the dentist puts the filling in Saeed’s tooth?
Recommended age: 4 and above
Number of pages: 16
Dimension: 27cm x 27cm
ISBN: 9789975570558