I really enjoyed Ustazah Mawaddah's class. Today, I learnt فعل ماضي، فعل مضارع and فعل أمر. Although I was taught these topics in school, these lessons help me to revise back and makes me understand better. The lesson was fun and I feel more confident to participate. In school I was shy and quiet. Thank you, Ustazah Mawaddah!
Hasanah, Ummis Workshop participant
I love your efficient lesson planning. Your weekly booklet allows the class though online to be more engaged and focused. You do not underestimate your students yet you do not over exert. The pace was perfect. I would love love to sit for workshop #2!
Hadzir’s Mommy on the Pri.1 Arabic Grammar book
I would like to thank you for this great initiative. These resources really help me to prep my son for primary 1. In Sha Allah he will be a part of MWTI family. As me and my husband were both from secular background, these resources are so Subhanallah, Ma Sha Allah!. Continue to inspire us!
Iman’s Mommy on the Pri.1 books set
Ma Sha Allah! I love both of the books which I had purchased (P1 Arabic Grammar & P1 Comprehension & Composition)! The contents are awesome and it’s a really helpful tool Ma Sha Allah! May it benefit us and our children in learning Arabic In Sha Allah!